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QC Kinetix Gahanna


Phone (380) 208-4544
Address 5175 Morse Rd, Suite 450,
Gahanna, OH 43230 United States


QC Kinetix (Gahanna) is a reputable clinic that specializes in treating musculoskeletal injuries, regardless of the severity. We go above and beyond to ensure our clients receive efficient and professional care in a comfortable environment. We take the time to thoroughly explain each treatment, ensuring our clients understand fully what we are doing and why it will help them in the long run. Since no two injuries are the same, we tailor our treatments to meet each individual's needs. Our goal is to help clients reach their full potential and maintain their quality of life by focusing on their musculoskeletal system's structural and functional integrity. Our Gahanna regenerative medicine treatments will help relieve your pain.

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