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Blessed Electric & Air


Phone (121) 480-1575
Address 301 Indian Blanket Drive, Burleson 76028, TX, United States,
Burleson, TX 76028 United States


The driving force behind Blessed’s success is in remembering that our living is made by solving the problems of others. A routine work day for our technicians could be a disaster for our client. We have over 22 years of experience in both the electrical and HVAC industries. The focus should always be on meeting the demands of our client’s time and budget. This sets Blessed apart from other electrical and HVAC services. Retaining this focus has built our solid reputation for being an affordable, local expert that offers lower rates and savings through family plan packages and community giving. Special discounts are always offered to those who are military, police and fire, EMT and medical personnel, educators, and those who have earned age. Just remember: “Don’t stress. Call Blessed!”

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