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Papa Mo's Deli


Phone (713) 802-0043
Address 465 B TC Jester Blvd,
Houston, TX 77007 United States


Papa Mo's Deli

465 B TC Jester Blvd
Houston, TX 77007, United States


The Flavor of New York in Texas! Mo and Joan Kofteci have managed to bring New York to Texas! Their deli is truly a flavor of New York! When you visit, you'll experience fresh, homemade daily hot lunch specials always made your way! Breakfast is served until 10 a.m. during the week and until 12pm on Saturday. Our Specialty Sandwiches are authentic New York favorites and are delicious! WE CATER! Looking for a sandwich or salad tray for your next party? Give us a call! We ask for at least 24 hours advanced notice. If available, we'll be happy to accommodate. 713-802-0043 New York Deli, with New York Style Sandwiches (Ruben, Gyro, Chicken Parmesan, Philly Cheesesteak) at an affordable price! Can't beat it!

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